A chain reaction
I’ve been spending time processing my thoughts and sentiments revolving around the events that have taken place over the past week – it has all been a lot to take in.
Seeing George Floyd pinned down to the ground with a knee to his neck while pleading for his life and ultimately breathing his last breath..how could anyone shake that? It’s traumatic. Is it any wonder our nation has cracked?
It’s a shame that it has had to come to this. With history repeating itself again and again, what we’re witnessing now is the breaking point. A pivotal moment for humanity.
We will never forget, but do we have it in us to forgive? Let’s be clear, forgiveness does not justify horrible behavior. It does not justify senseless murders, discriminatory acts, causes of pain or destruction. When we forgive, we do it for ourselves. Forgiveness is being able to find quiet and peace within; to move forward and use it as fuel to enact the change we wish to see in the world.
I’m thankful I’ve been able to have civil discussions about the alarming events with trusted people in my life. It has helped me gain perspective and find solace as we continue to live in the thick of it. We are all processing this at our own pace and in our own ways.
No single post or single action feels like enough. So what is one to do? Resilience is starting somewhere and not backing down even when things get rough. So we start somewhere. Even if it’s learning to practice more empathy by listening a bit more deeply. Even if it’s by taking the time to educate ourselves and to challenge our own biases. With an open heart and an open mind can we plan for a better and safer future for all.
“One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means.” – Martin Luther King Jr.